Cisco / Rio 2016 Olympics

Art Direction

Art Director
Kevin Craft

Stefani Billings

Art Direction / Brochure Design


Cisco wanted to compile a full report on everything they’d accomplished during the 2016 Rio Olympics. The book was to showcase a lot of the photography they took during the competition and how their company connected it’s audience on a world wide basis.

The Book

The approach for the spreads was to cut out olympians and place them in around lines of connectivity as well as large geometric shapes. I collaborated with the talented, Stefani Billings, on visually striking spreads that included line drawings of track and field markers, swimming pools, and archery boards that were used throughout the book as an ode to the games the players were competing in.









Colors and Effects

The book focuses on a set color scheme of green, blue, and yellow to reflect the Brazilian flag. Gold foil was used as an element that seemed appropriate since that’s what everyone competing was after.


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